
Sunday, November 16, 2014

How it all began...

As of October 15, 2014, I can officially say that I'm a NURSING STUDENT! AHHHHHHHH! So far the journey has been one that I thought would take forever to happen. I graduated high school in June of 2012 and soon after began working on my prerequisites. At that time there were 10 classes that needed to be completed before I could apply to my schools nursing program. Long story short, I am currently into my junior year and just now getting in. Reason being, not because of my grades really but because I had to retake the infamous HESI! 

For those of you who don't know the "HESI" is the required nursing entrance exam here in Texas(that I know of). My program only required Reading, Math and Critical Thinking (Thank God!) to be taken for a grade although we also had to take a personality profile and learning style test. Math and reading required a 75 or above as the minimum score to apply to the program. I took this test FOUR times! Reading has never been the slightest of a problem for me but math on the other hand has been. I wanted to give up completely each time I had to retake it because I would end up with a 70, then 74(!) and I felt like I just couldn't do it. Looking back I am so glad that I never gave up because the last and final time that I took it, I ended up making a 80!!

I surpassed the minimum score that I had been trying so hard to reach! This moment led to me finally being able to apply to the nursing program, literally; I, in fact turned in my application immediately after finishing the test. This is one moment that I want to take with me and always remember for the rest of my life. To some it doesn't seem like a big deal but when you can say that you worked hard for something and never gave up that is the ultimate reward. So to those of you reading this that are in a place in your life that you feel like you've reached a road block and unable to get passed it, NEVER GIVE UP!! No matter how many times it takes or how many disappointments you've encountered there will always be a MOMENT for each of you were everything falls into place! I honestly do believe that God does everything in his own timing. Those times that I didn't pass were for a reason. It wasn't the right time. Because it wasn't, it allowed me to have more time to prepare for what is now about to happen and I will always be grateful for that.

--Shurita ♡

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